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Roman Wedding Traditions

Ubi tu Gaius, ego Gaia

"As you are Gaius, I am Gaia"

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in matrimonium ducere

"to lead into matrimony"

A nuptiae was a serious and important event in ancient Rome. It was unlike weddings today filled with partying and love between the sponsus and sponsa -- weddings were more of an arrangement between two families with no possibility of divorce for the first five centuries in Rome. There are many various types of weddings, each individualized with their own name and customs, for every level of the social hierarchy. In addition, there are many other traditions regarding vestis, hymnis, and other rules that will blow your mind!

  1. ​in matrimonium ducere: term used by men meaning "to marry"

  2. nuptiae: wedding

  3. sponsus: fiance / betrothed man

  4. sponsa: fiancee / betrothed woman

  5. vestis: clothing

  6. hymnis: hymns

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“Quod Deus iunxit homo non separet”

What God has joined together, let man not separate.


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Citation: National Roman Civilization Exam Study Guide

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